The normal warm welcome was waiting for us as we arrived. Sand Martins is the home golf club of our ex Chairman Stan Bembernek and the club had barriered off the parking spaces outside the club for the DGA. A very nice gesture from them as normal.
We had 11 members playing, although only 10 finished as one wasn’t feeling well and left after 5 holes.
We were joined by Ellie Perks dad Martin, and Richard Arnold who is the secretary for Hampshire Golf Union. Richard wanted to experience what the DGA did on a golf day and we are talking to him about an event next year run by the union and ourselves. We will be working on this over the next few months.
Richard was really impressed with what we do and seemed to have a very good day.
Winner on 31 points on countback was Simon Earle
Second on countback on 31 points was Neil Baird
Third on countback (30 points) was Ellie Perks
Although Stan Bembernek did not play due to an injury, he came and supported us and donated prizes for nearest the pin and straightest drive.
Nearest the pin prizes, were won by Nick Dodge and Ian Jones. With Charlie White winning the straightest drive
Stan also very kindly paid for the drinks we had in the clubhouse later.
Redlibbets next, May 7th, before Abbey Hill on May 13th.
Neil Baird
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